About Me

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I am an extrovert by nature and an introspect when necessary. I enjoy life and do not take it for granted. My passion is to help educators become more effective at what they do, not only through changing practices, but changing assumptions about the students they teach- particularly, students of color, Standard English Leaners, English Language learners and all others who have been systematically denied access to core curriculum and subjugated to low expectations.

30 July 2009

The end of July...but not of summer

Say it ain't so!! Is it just about August already? D'oh

Well, it's summer all the way until the kids come back (and then some) so let's enjoy all that summer is. I for one will be taking a ferry ride across the San Francisco Bay. It always astounds me that 10 months of wearing down the same beaten path- concrete freeways, drab district office buildings, meetings and zipping from one school site to another- prevents me from appreciating what a beautiful part of the world I live in.

So let's take a bit of what is left over of the year to admire our surroundings- especially those of us lucky enough to live here in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Maybe I'll actually see the Golden Gate Bridge for once if the ferry gets close enough!

We'll pick up the ELL talk next month.

- W

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