About Me

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I am an extrovert by nature and an introspect when necessary. I enjoy life and do not take it for granted. My passion is to help educators become more effective at what they do, not only through changing practices, but changing assumptions about the students they teach- particularly, students of color, Standard English Leaners, English Language learners and all others who have been systematically denied access to core curriculum and subjugated to low expectations.

04 July 2008

Bursting upon the Cyberscape

Here I go. It feels scarier than I thought.

I am staring at the new medium before my eyes. Feeling my hands in a strange position. Where is my writing implement? From sticks in the mud, to marks on clay tablets and stone, script on papyrus, quill to parchment, pencil/ pen to paper, people have always had something to intermediate the negotiation between thought and the written word.

And now: keyboard to monitor, stylus to screen and digital paper. My right hand feels lonely, a desolate land of dry channels hands suddenly naked in this strange new world. Suddenly, my left hand, once deprived of participating, finds itself giddy and awkward.

But then, what did I expect? After all, my right hand had a long, fruitful love affair with my writing implement. Caressing it carefully between thumb and forefinger, sliding up and down its sleek, smooth body as it transformed a once parched and empty writing landscape, every stroke bringing a steady flow of ink to an otherwise parched land, producing much needed lakes of thoughts and rivers of mind.

So I feel that I am betraying my writing companion as I venture forth into this vastly strange and rather indelible landscape. Each keystroke, drag and mouse click executes my wishes flawlessly and yet, I don't "feel" that which is my marking; it feels strangely empty, without emotion or a sense of legacy- unlike the persistence of the etching on the stone cave or the belief that if I race to finish my thoughts before the ink has dried, someone will find them compelling enough to take as their own, and take my essence with them, in a different direction.

But, we must all "adapt" as Seven-of-Nine would be fond of saying on Star Trek: Voyager. And so I am.

I am bursting upon the cyberscape.

But I will bear offerings to all cyber-beings and hopefully some sound advice to any educators who have managed to permeate the membrane between the cyber and physical world.

- W

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