About Me

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I am an extrovert by nature and an introspect when necessary. I enjoy life and do not take it for granted. My passion is to help educators become more effective at what they do, not only through changing practices, but changing assumptions about the students they teach- particularly, students of color, Standard English Leaners, English Language learners and all others who have been systematically denied access to core curriculum and subjugated to low expectations.

17 July 2008

The Basics of the Basics- Part 2

On what ELLs bring with them to help their own learning

1. ELLs learn best when the affective filter (their receptiveness to learning vis-a-vis the classroom climate, e.g. how the teacher encourages risk taking) is low. If the teacher discourages risk-taking by scolding the student for an "incorrect" response, the affective filter will be high and learning will be hindered.

2. ELLs learn best when their cultural backgrounds are used as much as possible.

3. ELLs (except for brand new students) have learned some things all ready. Even new students bring in some knowledge. The point is that we must use and build upon a students prior knowledge to connect to new concepts

Next...what research says about what we should be doing in the classroom instructionally to optimize learning the 2nd language

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