Hello everyone!
Yes...I know it's been a LONG, okay L O N G time since I have added to or updated this blog.
To the one person that would read my blog on a regular basis, my apologies. However, I hope to resurrect this in some form or fashion, especially because while there seems to be more research on English Learners, the gap between what this bears out and the type of policies our politicians pursue grows ever wider. Moreover, much of this research is still not readily accessible by many of my fellow practicioners-- particularly classroom teachers, and our system does not support principals with the time, structure and resources to secure this research and make instructional decisions based on this.
Phew! That was a long sentence. So I'll try to keep them shorter. Maybe. We'll see.
Let's kick off this blog again and resuscitate English Language Learners as a topic and bring them back to the forefront of our conversation.
I think a reboot is in order. I think I will focus on the current process for the identification of English Learners in California will be a good re-launching point (and a great piece of information that so MANY educators are ignorant of)!
Do check back in from time to time!!!
About Me

- Weezy
- I am an extrovert by nature and an introspect when necessary. I enjoy life and do not take it for granted. My passion is to help educators become more effective at what they do, not only through changing practices, but changing assumptions about the students they teach- particularly, students of color, Standard English Leaners, English Language learners and all others who have been systematically denied access to core curriculum and subjugated to low expectations.
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